In April 2014, the Bundy family declared “range war” against the federal government and democratic rule of law. One seemingly “fringe” state legislato
Read More“What is a cult, who’s in a cult, and why the hell must we talk about cults again?” Yes, I hear the grumbling already. And yes, this is actually a ver
Read MoreThis Week in Corona Scams, Merck announced a potential breakthrough on a new oral antiviral medication for COVID-19 treatment. While medical science e
Read MoreIs it “Infrastructure Week” or “America Is Doomed Week”? Or perhaps as the classic saying goes, “¿Por qué no los dos?” Actually, it doesn’t have to b
Read MoreThis Week in Corona Scams, the "BS Beads" saga goes from annoying fever pitch to confusing fever dreams thanks to some wildly over-the-top shilling.&n
Read MoreFormer U.S. Senator Dean Heller (R) will likely announce his 2022 gubernatorial campaign today. Heller is set to join an already crowded Republican pr
Read MoreThis Week in Corona Scams, who’s to blame for America’s vaccine refusal crisis? Following President Joe Biden’s announcement of his new vaccine mandat
Read MoreThis year's California Recall special election has felt like a political earthquake with national reverberations. For a spell, some Democrats got the
Read MoreThis Week in Corona Scams, the “BS Bead” shakedown continues. Even worse, this is just one cog in the much larger wheel of the Influencer Infodemic. A
Read MoreThis Week in Corona Scams, we revisit the seemingly never-ending ivermectin melodrama. For weeks, we’ve been warning everyone not to buy certain influ
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