In April 2014, the Bundy family declared “range war” against the federal government and democratic rule of law. One seemingly “fringe” state legislato
Read MoreAccording to Jeff German, Las Vegas Review-Journal, a Federal grand jury issued subpoenas for records in the investigation into the campaign finances
Read MoreBoise, Idaho: Ammon Bundy's attempt to govern Idaho follows the same old dodgy tirades attempted by his father and brother in their 15-minutes of ingl
Read MoreUpdate: On June 19th Ammon Bundy officially announced his plans to become Govermpr pf Idaho. “The establishment is losing their minds right now,”
Read MoreBoise, Idaho, March 21, 2021. Former Mesquite-Bunkerville Nevada resident Ammon Bundy, 42, faces new charges of failing to appear for his trial
Read MoreBunkerville, NV. Welfare Cowboy Cliven Bundy again threatened armed insurrection should Federal agents come after him anew to settle longstandin
Read MoreEmmett, Ida. On December 15, 2020, Ammon Bundy told his "People's Rights" members to escalate conflict "before the world comes to an end," accordi
Read MoreBoise, Idaho – As COVID-19 cases rise in Idaho, Ammon Bundy’s “People’s Rights” followers threatened women and children in their homes Tuesday. On T
Read MoreAmmon Bundy's far-right anti-government movement is expanding, according to The Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights (IREHR) and the M
Read MoreUpdate: On Tuesday, October 13, the Caldwell Idaho School Board voted unanimously Tuesday to ban Bundy from its property until the end of the 2020-21
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