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Nevada Today

Nevada Today is a nonpartisan, independently owned and operated site dedicated to providing up-to-date news and smart analysis on the issues that impact Nevada's communities and businesses.

News and informationOn The Water FrontSouthern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA)

Sisolak Explains His Anti-Pipeline Position. Opponent Laxalt On Both Sides of the Issue

“My fellow Nevadans.

Steve Sisolak

Our state is on the brink of a water crisis and, as our communities continue to grow and thrive, this crisis will only worsen. But while a path forward may not be certain, one thing is clear — any policies we choose to move forward with must be statewide solutions, not ideas that benefit one locality over another.

That is why I oppose the proposed [Southern Nevada Water Authority SNWA} pipeline project to import water from White Pine and Lincoln Counties into Clark County. My opinion is that this project is not a smart or effective way to spend what is projected to cost more than $15 billion. This plan is nothing more than a 20th-century band-aid to a 21st-century problem. And despite recent actions taken by the Southern Nevada Water Authority Board to remain at the table for conversations about the future of this project, my opinion has not changed.

It is my firm belief that while these studies and discussions regarding the pipeline can continue, the pipeline will not be an element of the final solution to Southern Nevada’s water needs. There are multiple options that we should pursue before we even consider spending that much money on a pipeline, including increased conservation and desalination projects.

My commitment to Nevada residents is to continue my efforts to best manage our state’s limited water resources while preventing the unnecessary destruction of fragile ecosystems. The environmental needs of Northeastern Nevada must be treated equally to the resource needs of other communities. We are one state and we need to deliver solutions that reflect this. As governor, I will hold that as a guiding principle for every policy I pursue.”
End of remarks
Laxalt with Donald Trump

Attorney General Adam Laxalt, who is Sisolak’s Republican opponent said he opposes the pipeline.
However,  he sits on the SNWA board, and voted to continue their litigation against a project denial ruling by retiring Jason King, the Nevada State Water Engineer.

As attorney general, Laxalt is statutorily required to defend King,  who has said that he plans to appeal parts of his own ruling on the project. Therefore, Laxalt if he continues as Attorney General will:

  1. First, argue against his SNWA vote by defending King ruling, and;
  2. Later argue in favor of King’s appeal of King’s own ruling. King’s appeal is actually a defense of his earlier justification to allow the pipeline.  

Until he decided to run for Governor, Laxalt typically did not taken positions on issues that his office is involved within an official capacity.

Ryan Bundy jail mug shot

Ryan Bundy, the independent party gubernatorial candidate has yet to offer a public opinion on the pipeline.  

About Author

Michael McGreer Mesquite, Nevada
Dr. Michael Manford McGreer is managing editor of and writes on issues that impact public policy.

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