The survival of the communities in Clark County Nevada are linked to the survival of the Colorado River and its tributaries including the Virgin and Muddy Rivers. In March and April, 2013, the U.S. Department of Reclamation conducted a series of three Educational Outreach Sessions to provide in-depth information regarding the findings of the Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study. Nevada-today presents that seminar in five 30 minute parts. This is part 5 of 5.
Click to read final study report.Β
Email message from Dennis Lynch:
Okay. I listened to most of the water study. Especially the end. Other than the need for more study, what is the one thing that will solve this problem?
Response from Mike McGreer
It cools down and more snow in the mountains for the next ten years otherwise limits on growth. I will be attending a conference on the Colorado River from Dec 12 to 14. Will report on the results.