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Nevada Today

Nevada Today is a nonpartisan, independently owned and operated site dedicated to providing up-to-date news and smart analysis on the issues that impact Nevada's communities and businesses.

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Nevada Earns a “C” GPA in Infrastructure


Key steps:
1. Adequate investment.
2. A fully funded State Infrastructure Bank.
3. Lack of maintenance can result in early replacement at a cost 2-3 times greater than the original facility.
4. Nevada is leading the way in infrastructure and mobility innovation, including in renewable energies, autonomous vehicles, drone technology and transit systems.
5. Nevada can foster new technologies by offering students scholarships who are focused on infrastructure and mobility innovation and provide seed money for graduates to start new emerging technology companies in Nevada.

American Society of Civil Engineers

Nevada ASCE-Report-Card-2018-Final
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About Author

Michael McGreer Mesquite, Nevada
Dr. Michael Manford McGreer is managing editor of and writes on issues that impact public policy.

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