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Nevada Today

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Clean Indoor Air

Mesquite NV Council Warned About Public Smoking

Photo by Tim Savage from Pexels

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Hello, my name is Chris Picior and I’m here with the Mesquite Citizens for Clean Indoor Air. Thank you, once again, for listening to our information about clean, healthy indoor air for all.

We spoke to you recently about our concerns regarding the potential use of marijuana in public places and how this poses a risk for secondhand smoke exposure.

We understand that it’s currently not legal to smoke marijuana in public places in Nevada. But we believe there will be more attempts to change this, and that’s a very real public health concern.

Another concern is the use of electronic smoking and vaporizer devices in indoor public areas. This is currently legal in Nevada because the products are new and aren’t addressed in existing state law.

Even so, the U.S. Surgeon General has warned that these devices, including e-cigarettes, are not safe.

People who make and sell e-cigarettes often say the products emit a “harmless water vapor.” But that’s not true. They emit an aerosol that is emitted into the surrounding environment.

Just like secondhand tobacco or marijuana smoke, this aerosol poses a health risk. It can contain nicotine, heavy metals, ultrafine particulate and cancer-causing agents such as formaldehyde and acrolein.

More than 99 percent of vape contains nicotine, which is a risk for pregnant women because it is toxic to developing fetuses and impairs fetal brain and lung development.

The chemicals used to flavor e-cigarettes also can be dangerous. One chemical that produces a popcorn flavor can cause severe lung problems, sometimes called “popcorn lung.”

Also, it’s become common for some people to use these products to smoke marijuana in public, because it’s harder to detect the smell. Many youth are using these devices to smoke other drugs as well.

All of us deserve clean, healthy indoor air. The best way to ensure this is with a comprehensive smokefree policy that protects business patrons and employees from tobacco, e-cigarette and potential marijuana exposure.

Thank you, again, for listening to this important information.

About Author

Michael McGreer Mesquite, Nevada
Dr. Michael Manford McGreer is managing editor of and writes on issues that impact public policy.

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