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Kavenaugh Nomination Sent to Full Senate With Recommendations

Update:  4:30 p.m. eastern. Republicans meet with Senator Majority leader McConnell to ask for FBI probe. McConnell kicks the issue back to the White House.  Trump agrees to ask the FBI to look into the sexual allegations.  

At 1:45 p.m. Easter time The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11 to 10 along party

Senator Jeff Flake

lines to send the nomination of Judge Bret Kavenaugh to the Supreme Court to the full Senate for confirmation. 

Senator Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., a deciding vote on Kevanauth told the

committee that he hoped the Senate Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Kentucky) would delay voting on the issue for one-week to allow the FBI to perform an update to Kavenaugh’s background regarding allegations of sexual misconduct.  

After the committee adjourned Senator Lindsey Graham, R., South Carolina, said someone has to explain what happened in the committee to the President.  “I guess that is me,” he said. 

Donald Trump, who previously refused to allow an FBI update,  said he would leave the FBI decision up to the senate. He did compliment  Dr. Christine Blasey Ford on her allegations against Kavenaugh. When asked if he had considered another nominee to the Supreme Court, he said: “Not even a little bit.” 

About Author

Michael McGreer Mesquite, Nevada
Dr. Michael Manford McGreer is managing editor of and writes on issues that impact public policy.

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