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Nevada Today

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Happy Labor Day

COVID-19, COVID-19 Vaccines, vaccine science, health care, travel, Las Vegas Strip, Las Vegas, Allegiant Stadium, football, NFL

Labor Day may now be better known as the traditional end of the summer season, but there’s so much more to his holiday than just beach trips and barbeque parties. Of course, it’s officially a day to celebrate American workers and recognize their foundational role in keeping the economy going. But did you know that America’s Labor Day holiday functioned as a compromise measure to fend off more leftist movements who wanted a May Day in line with the global day of demonstrations for labor solidarity? And did you know that workers couldn’t really count on regulatory protections before the 1894 Pullman Strike pushed the federal government to begin enacting national workers’ rights laws?

Of course, there’s a whole lot more that we must do in order to make America a more equitable place for all of our workers. That’s another thing to reflect upon today.

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