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Nevada Today

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Congressman Horsford Applauds Air Force Decision

Photo courtesy of United States Congress

NORTH LAS VEGAS, NEV. — Today, Congressman Steven Horsford (D-NV-04) applauded the Air Force’s decision to expand capacity to test and train warfighters in fifth generation aircraft at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada’s Fourth District.

“With today’s decision, the Air Force has made clear that Nellis airmen will play a critical role in the future of our national defense,” said Congressman Steven Horsford. “By leveraging Nellis’ unique environment, infrastructure, and capabilities, we can modernize our Air Force to win a near-peer future conflict and defend our national security at home and abroad. The additional fifth generation aircraft at Nellis — including the F-22 and F-35 — will bring upgraded infrastructure and high-tech jobs to Nellis and Nevada’s Fourth District at large.”
F-35A Lightning II

Currently, Nellis Air Force Base is planned to receive F-35s to support operational test requirements, as well as additional F-35As from Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, as part of the reactivation of the 65th Aggressor Squadron. Nellis will also receive additional F-22s for testing from Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. Nellis is already home to the Shadow Operations Center, which was created as the Air Force’s Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) battle laboratory. The addition of fifth-generation aircraft will further cement Nellis’ role as the center of Air Force modernization. The Air Force’s decision today ensures that Nellis is ready to meet the increasing demands that are driving economic growth in the district

The Air Force has also proposed improvements to the Nevada Test and Training Range to further support the infrastructure required for current and future testing and training. The Nevada Test and Training Range, which is located in Nevada’s Fourth District, is the only location that can train 5th generation systems in a live environment.
Nevada’s Fourth District includes four military installations: Nellis Air Force Base, Creech Air Force Base, the Nevada Test and Training Range, and the Hawthorne Army Depot.

About Author

Michael McGreer Mesquite, Nevada
Dr. Michael Manford McGreer is managing editor of and writes on issues that impact public policy.

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