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Nevada Today

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InsurrectionNews and informationViolence

Clark County Dems Call Out Nevada Republicans For Supporting Insurrection and Violence. Issues Public Safety Alert

Clark County Democratic Party – PUBLIC SAFETY ALERT

Here in Nevada, Republican Party websites are now blatantly calling for insurrection and violence. Over the past 48 hours, the online activity on social media has escalated to the point that we must take these threats seriously. I’ve been in communication with other County Chairs across Nevada, and my colleagues are all seeing increasingly bold messaging by white supremacists as they plan more riots during the inauguration. The latest call to violence was published on the Republican Party website in Nye County – which borders Clark County and encompasses Pahrump. This isn’t just the usual hate speech on social media platforms. Although some of our elected officials have responded strongly to these threats, we cannot assume that local law enforcement will effectively protect the people of Nevada if violence erupts across the State. Rural areas are particularly at risk and we need to watch out for each other.

I want to highly commend Rep. Steven Horsford NV-04 for publicly calling out the Chair of the Nye County Republicans. Rep. Horsford was the first member of our NV Congressional delegation to call for Impeachment, and to endorse Rep. Cori Bush’s resolution to remove Republicans from Congress who were complicit in the attempted coup at the Capitol.

Removing Trump from the White House is not enough. Domestic terrorism, fueled by the hatred and evil of white supremacy is not limited to our Nation’s Capital. We must remain vigilant. And we must, as Nevadans, do more to end the systemic racism that permeates through every corridor of our City Halls, our Courts and our Legislative Chambers.

Please continue to avoid group gatherings, be aware of your surroundings and any ongoing activity, and wear your masks.


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About Author

Michael McGreer Mesquite, Nevada
Dr. Michael Manford McGreer is managing editor of and writes on issues that impact public policy.

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