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Nevada Today

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Arizona Man Charged After High-speed chase, Foot Race

Cheyenne Clubfoot

Mesquite, NV. On June 24th, Mesquite Chief of Police MaQuade Chesley, along with other police officers and detectives apprehended Cheyenne Clubfoot, 35, of Page Arizona on an outstanding Arizona felony warrant for aggravated assault, domestic battery, and Obstruction.

Police charged Clubfoot following a report of a domestic violence incident, a high-speed vehicle chase, and a foot-race that ended with his discovery in bushes along the Virgin River.

The incident started when police officers and a detective responded to Sandhill Boulevard near Interstate 15, where a witness observed a male passenger punching the female driver of a vehicle.

The vehicle later passed Chief Chesley, who identified the car. Following a high-speed chase on Interstate 15 southbound suspect’s vehicle lost control and crashed into a dirt embankment at approximately mile marker 116.

The male passenger fled on foot leading officers on a foot pursuit across both southbound and northbound lanes of I-15, into the desert, and along the Virgin River.  The suspect was apprehended hiding in bushes along the river-bank.

Nevada Highway Patrol (NHP) and Las Vegas Metropolitan Police (LVMPD) assisted Mesquite Officers in locating and arresting the suspect.

Clubfoot was transported to Clark County Detention Center.

The Mesquite Police Department would like to thank the witness who reported this incident, along with the NHP, and LVMPD for their assistance in apprehending Clubfoot.

About Author

Michael McGreer Mesquite, Nevada
Dr. Michael Manford McGreer is managing editor of and writes on issues that impact public policy.

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