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Ammon Bundy Threatens Police, Joins Far Right In Anti Pandemic Protests

Authors note: In my 2009 fictional book, “No Harm, No Foul, Bio-terrorism in the 21st Center, A study in the pathology of Governance,” I invented “The Christian Home front Defense League.” As written, they were an armed group who felt the epidemic was a lie by the government to limit people’s freedom. Eventually, they engaged government authorities with a notable loss of life.

In the United States today, Protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and other states, are supported by right-wing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups, and other elements of the radical right.

On Wednesday in Lansing, Michigan, two connected Republican not-for-profits put together protesters cause gridlock in the city, and blocked the entrance to a local hospital.

The Michigan Conservative Coalition organized the event. Michigan state corporate filings show has also operated under the name of Michigan Trump Republicans. It was also heavily promoted by the Michigan Freedom Fund, a group linked to the Trump cabinet member Betsy DeVos.
In Meridian, Idaho, on April 23. Ammon Bundy, in the black hat, threatens resistance if Meridian Police officers continue to enforce laws in which he and followers disagree.

In Meridian, Idaho on April 23 former Nevada resident Ammon Bundy, in a black cowboy hat, threatens resistance if Meridian Police officers continue to enforce laws in which he and followers disagree.

This latest act of rebellion follows on Bundy’s Easter Sunday resistance to Idaho Governor Brad Little’s emergency declaration ordering the state’s residents to self-isolate at home.

Bundy enforces his uneducated view of the Constitution’s Bill of Rights with a self-defined three-pronged approach: of what he feels is “legal, political and physical.

Threatening to resist lawful activities is not legal. If Bundy wanted to engage in political activities, then he should run for election. His past physical actions resulted in the death of follower Robert “LaVoy” Finicum. Finicum was shot and killed by Oregon State Police during a January 26, 2016 traffic stop that led to the arrest of Bundy and his brother, Ryan, for their roles in the illegal occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.

In the video, Bundy stands on the sidewalk threatening Meridian police and offering his commentary on the arrest of Sara Brady, a Meridian woman arrested April 21 for trespassing after staging a protest at Kleiner Park, where some facilities had been closed due to COVID-19 concerns.

“It was a woman at a park with her children, and she was arrested,” Bundy said. “Completely inappropriate—that’s just the way it is. What will happen is, they’ll grind her in the system that’s called ‘justice,’ I guess, until they spit her out until she’s given up or you guys get your say. That’s the way I see it, and I’ve been there.”

Bundy performed his latest act in front of the home of one of the Officers who arrested Brady home of one of the officers involved in Brady’s arrest, where dozens of people staged a protest the evening of the incident.
In a statement released on Facebook, the Meridian Police Employee Association expressed its frustration with both Brady and Bundy’s protests and shock at the intrusion into the private life of a police officer.

“When you release the home addresses of officers and elected officials so you can go to their house in an attempt to intimidate them and terrorize their families, you have stepped over the line,” the statement reads.

Bundy’s latest stunt at the home of a police officer followed actions by the “Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF),” [ ] which assisted in arranging an April 17 protest that temporarily blocked Meridian Road in front of Meridian City Hall on April 21.

On April 22, IFF President Wayne Hoffman on Facebook said that while IFF “supports those who peaceably assemble to protest Idaho’s senseless stay-home order…,” “we do not condone or endorse actions against law enforcement officials at their homes, such as the one last night.”

About Author

Michael McGreer Mesquite, Nevada
Dr. Michael Manford McGreer is managing editor of and writes on issues that impact public policy.

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